Leading in the Age of Coronavirus: Powerful Virtual Leadership

John Bates Free Webinar
Leadership in the Age of Coronavirus; Powerful Virtual Leadership




More dates will be added this week.

FRIDAY APRIL 3RD, (1 HOUR) 08:45 – 09:45 MOUNTAIN (07:45 PACIFIC/9:45 CENTRAL/10:45 EASTERN)
New Dates will be posted on this page as we have them.

These calls feature a quick check-in with a few people from various places in the world and then some valuable food for thought, suggestions and guidance.

Your attendance is a great contribution to all.



What Does Leadership Look Like Now?
After selfishly freaking out for a while about how this whole thing is going to affect me I finally took Snoop’s advice: Don’t be Nervous, Be at Their Service and I started to think about what I have to offer that could be useful to you, and how I can share it.


I realized that I’ve been consulting and coaching clients who were on the cutting edge of this problem in China already. (If you’ve been through that and would be willing to talk with me about it I’d highly value the chance to hear from you!) And I saw that I have some experience and some things to share and offer that I think will be of value.


I’ve Been Hearing From Leaders All Over
I’ve been getting a number of requests from clients and others about what to do now that “social distancing” is absolutely necessary and how to deal with the often massive disruptions that novel Coronavirus, or SARS-CoV-2, is causing.


“How can I manage the uncertainty, keep people productive and calm my team?”
“How do I lead good virtual meetings?”
“How do I hold my team together now that we are all working from home?”


It’s definitely an anxious time for everyone and I’d very much like to be with you, talk with you, hear about the top 3 things that are keeping you up at night and offer some suggestions, thoughts and guidance you might find useful. Because I work with clients all over the world, some of whom are in China – or stuck somewhere that is not home outside of China – I can give you some of their experience and insight, as well. This will be a zoom event. If you can join with video that is preferred, but I’d love to have you there, either way. 🙂


Below is the invite to the meeting and I’d love to have you join me. And, if you’d like me to do one specifically for you or your team I’m here.


The Article That Got Me Clear About Things, in case you haven’t seen it yet…
And, if you want to read the article that got my head very clear about the present moment and had me let go of the last of my upset and resistance to this situation, here it is: https://medium.com/@tomaspueyo/coronavirus-act-today-or-people-will-die-f4d3d9cd99ca )


More INFO on this free event is below:
When: Mon 2020-03-16 14:00 – 15:50 Eastern Time – New York
When: Tues 2020-03-17 08:30 – 09:30 Eastern Time – New York




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I’d also deeply welcome your thoughts here, if you have 3 minutes to answer (optional, of course):


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