

People with a vision who fully immerse themselves in it, inspire me. There’s a certain, deep, integrity at work. Here’s a short video in which I share an often overlooked, yet critical aspect of integrity that leads to success and fulfillment.

It’s all about CONTEXT. In a battle between a grizzly bear and an alligator, context is decisive… Are we in the woods, or in the swamps?

Let me know your thoughts. And, get another angle on this from my article: As a Leader this is More Important Now Then Ever Before .

Something magical happens when you are honoring your word (you can’t always keep your word, but you can always honor your word) and living inside of an Empowering Context

Speak Like a Leader Podcast

Space Life Q&A with Karen Nyberg

Speak like a leader Podcast with Guest Dr. Karen NybergDr. Karen Nyberg is, quite simply, one of the sweetest, kindest people I think I’ve ever met. She also has tremendous focus and cares deeply. She’s an engineer, astronaut, and artist who, through nearly thirty years of experience in human spaceflight, has gained an appreciation for the value of working within and across diverse political ideologies, cultural values, and world views to advance critical missions.

I think you’ll very much enjoy our conversation. I know I did.

Listen Now

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