How I Blew my First TED Talk

Sometimes the lessons you need to learn are the hardest ones to take on.
How John Bates blew his TED Talk

If you do a quick google search for “John Bates TED, Fail, I’ll pop right up. What you’ll see isn’t my talk – that never got to see the light of day. Instead, you’ll find my mea culpa, apology, and lessons learned in an article I wrote for

It still makes my face flush and my stomach turn when I think about it. Yet this incredibly painful disaster turned into a wildly valuable set of lessons learned that utterly transformed the course of my life. So, I offer them to you here, freely.


If you’d like to read the article, you can find it here:

And, if you are interested in the TED Commandments mentioned above, here’s a link to a short video series I created to break them down:

The TED Commandments

I Crashed and Burned Onstage During a TED Talk. What I Learned Proved More Valuable Than Success.

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